Monday, September 5, 2011


Well so far I have canned, tomatoes, tomato sauce, peaches, green beans, carrots, potatoes, beef broth, beets, corn and strawberry jelly. I have a few more tomatoes to go then I am done for a couple of days until the pears ripen and it is time to dig up the sweet potatoes.

Let the rat race begin

I spent the first 2 days of school doing recruiting for kids who did not sign up last spring. Tomorrow I actually start teaching. For some kids they will be getting their instrument for the first time, for others we will pick up where we left off at the end of their summer program.

One nice thing is that not all the kids will be on the same song at the same time, a little variety goes a long way!! After all, if I had a $1 for every time I heard "Hot Cross Buns" or some version of it, I could retire soon.